Establish your vision for 2018

Happy New Year, Friends!

I hope you've had a wonderful holiday season and are excited about the next 365 days! Each new day we have is a chance to do something great. This happens whether we are accomplishing a goal of our own or helping others to achieve their dreams. I am the type of person who gets amp'd up when I'm talking with people about their dreams, goals, and ideas. I do my best to connect them with people or strategies that can help and I go home floating on a cloud. It also help me to know that there are other people going through the "hustle" and it spurs me on to push for more.

This year, I decided to create a vision board. I'll be honest with you. Depending on who is talking about vision boards, my opinion ranges from, "Oh, I have to do that!" to [eye-roll]. So, if you are presently feeling either one of those emotions, I completely understand. The reason I grabbed hold of it for this year is because I started feeling parts of myself slipping away.

OK. That sounded more dramatic than I intended. Let me try again.

I'm married with kids. A lot of what I do is dedicated to them or providing for them. In the process, I have forgotten about some of the things that I love and have actively stuffed my pleasures away. 

But, I realize that it isn't necessary for me to do that. I can dream and plan and make room in the budget for the things I love, just as much as that American girl accessory for my daughter. I don't have to avoid disappointment by swallowing my dreams.

This also isn't just about obtaining "things." It is about re-establishing the parts of me that I want to shine. I want to laugh more, I want to dream more, and I want to give more. That only happens if I spend time filling myself up- FIRST.

Enter the vision board. My daughter was "bored" so I got her involved in the process. She took a few pictures for me to document the process.

1. First, I gathered pictures and words that I felt drawn to. These are images of items that I need, want or symbolize parts of my life. I also chose words that either represent me or the facets of me that I'd like to express more.

When creating your vision board, you can gather clippings from magazines, circulars, or download and print pictures.

hahahaha #2018goals

hahahaha #2018goals

2. Based on the images and words I collected, I noticed the similarities and patterns in the clips. I had business/career/dance sections, home/family/friends sections, and a personal section. I arranged the clippings in these groupings. I've also saved room for other pictures and words that I might come across this year.

Pay attention to the words that you are drawn to, but feel uncomfortable displaying. There may be something that deep down inside you need or want to be, but you are afraid to "announce."

3. I set everything aside. This was partly because I couldn't find a glue stick, but more so because I wanted to make sure that I was only cementing the items that align with my heart and vision for 2018. 

4. Finally, I established the vision. I glued down the items that I couldn't part with, including and especially those phrases that challenged me. Remember, I've left room for other things that I may find as the year progresses.

5. I placed the board in a location that I would see regularly. I recently read that it is worth studying your board for 30 seconds every morning. I think that this will be a good addition to my morning devotional/prayer time. It will be good to pray, but also listen to God for ideas, inspiration, and additions to the board. I firmly believe that when we allow, God will direct our paths. (Habbakkuk 2:2).

I hope you'll create a vision board for 2018 and set your sights on your dreams. Let me know in the comments below if you're planning to make a vision board or a similar goal setting strategy for this year!


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